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Matrox Monarch
Matrox Monarch EDGE 系列
4K 超高畫質/多路 HD 網路傳輸與遠端製作編碼器與解碼器/直錄播盒
全系列 魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 共有 Monarch EDGE S1 編解碼器 / Monarch EDGE E4 編碼器 / Monarch EDGE D4 解碼器

Matrox Monarch EDGE 系列 4K 超高畫質/多路 HD 網路傳輸與遠端製作編碼器與解碼器/直錄播盒

4K/Multi-HD Webcasting and Remote Production Encoder E4 and Decoder D4

Matrox Monarch EDGE Series 推出 4K/Multi-HD Remote production, REMI (Remote Integration Model) SRT串流整合進化方案, Monarch EDGE 系列新增 Decoder 解碼獨立裝置 MDG4/D/I 解碼器。

魔納盒 Matrox Monarch EDGE 4K 超高畫質/多路 HD 網路傳輸與遠端製作編碼器與解碼器, 兼容多元網路作業環境,無論是網路直播,遠端製作(REMI)還是多平台傳輸應用。 魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 結合 Encoding 編碼器與 Decoder 解碼器, 為您的視訊製作核心設備提供高畫質、低延遲與安全的SRT串流傳輸。 它們體積小巧、功能強大 與省電的遠端製作REMI方案,價格經濟合理,讓您的遠端、現場、即時、多機製作能比過去更容易執行。

H.264 編碼器與解碼器具有無數的應用程式與通用性,無可爭議地成為網路直播視訊編碼領域第一選擇。 在共同作業成為關鍵的時代,H.264 編碼器可以處理多種不同的網路直播製作流程。 魔納盒 Matrox Monarch EDGE 4K 超高畫質/多路 HD 網路傳輸與遠端製作編碼器, 兼容多元網路作業環境,無論是網路直播,遠端製作(REMI)還是在高密集多平台傳輸應用。 魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 網路傳輸與遠端製作 H.264 編碼器,具有無與倫比的強大 H.264 編碼​​能力,專為您的現場製作與網路直播而設計。

除此之外,魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 為了更便利的製作,還提供一款 Monarch EDGE S1 同步編碼/解碼設備,內建 3G-SDI 輸入,支援 FULL-HD 格式。 全系列 魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 共有 S1 編解碼器 / E4 編碼器 / D4 解碼器 三個機型可供製作。

魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 功能介紹


魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 是一個高密集多平台編碼器與解碼器,可以接受四路獨立的 HD 輸入並為每個輸入傳送多個串流,非常適合集中控制,方便現場製作。借助 YouTube 提供的多機(攝影機)支援等創新功能,使用者可以在查看內容時從攝影機角度進行選擇。魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 可以同時傳輸四路不同的攝影機角度。

高品質的 H.264 格式

魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 支援高畫質的 H.264 視訊,能錄製 MP4 檔案,提供了最大的適用性,能​被廣泛地使用於網路與即時串流傳輸。魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 編碼器與解碼器可將數據速率保持在極低的要求,同時在不犧牲視訊畫質的情況下,最大限度地減少延遲。Monarch EDGE 可將每個輸入的獨立編碼,配置為串流傳輸到單一或多個目標。受惠於魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 強大的視訊引擎,可確保影像和聲音訊號不失真。


魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 強大的視訊核心,能讓使用者將每個輸入,同時串流傳輸到多個 線上視訊平台 OVP (Online video platform),實現前所未有的涵蓋範圍和曝光率。憑藉 Monarch EDGE 的能力,可以同時發送 YouTube,Facebook,Vimeo,Ustream 和 LinkedIn 等16個 以上的影音平台,使用者可以擴大活動範圍,並與各平台的觀眾進行互動,無需只將其吸引到一個 線上視訊平台 OVP (Online video platform)。

提供一流的 4K 觀看體驗

以 4K 製作和現場直播,正變得越來越普遍,全球各地的家庭都擁有越來越大的網路頻宽,來符合這 4K 網路電視傳輸。在發送 4K 串流時,OVP 能針對 4K 高畫質進行優化,將視訊內容縮減,符合各種顯示螢幕。改善以往 OVP 將 HD 內容的放大以擴充至高畫質 4K 螢幕,降低畫質的做法。魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 透過以 HFT 高幀速率(50或60 fps)編碼 4K 內容達到最佳品質,而 OVP 則可以處理任何縮小的圖像。藉由魔納盒 Monarch EDGE,內容提供商可以提供一流的 4K 觀看體驗。


魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 支持多種串流協議。如 Facebook 與 YouTube 平台通用的 RTMP 格式。SRT 是一種新格式,可在開放網路上使用,不但提供 RTMP 的可靠性,同時減少延遲。在內部網路上,魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 能以 MPEG-2 TS 或 RTSP 進行傳輸,並為每個編碼配置指定對外目的地,向多平台發送。


魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 編碼器與解碼器,可透過 25 GbE 網路與 3G、12G SDI、ST 2110 連接。自動檢測輸入,如攝影機、導播台、視訊混合器或路由器等設備進行廣泛的連接。此外,還提供每路視訊輸入的兩路嵌入式音訊通道或平衡XLR連接器中選擇音訊。


魔納盒 Monarch EDGE Con​​trol Hub 是一款功能強大的應用程式,可透過網路進行 Monarch EDGE 遠端管理和配置。 Monarch EDGE Con​​trol Hub 能授權使用者提供網路上所有設備的進階視圖,並透過一個簡單易用的界面進行完整的控制操作。


Monarch EDGE DisplayPort 輸出可在顯示器上,同時預覽多達四路輸入,確保視訊傳輸效果。透過 Monarch EDGE Con​​trol Hub 人性化界面,讓使用者輕鬆配置輸入音訊源的方式,從輸出設定中,選擇一次監控一個音訊輸入,或全部靜音。

High-Density 高密集多平台發布

魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 編碼器與解碼器發布功能,能為現場製作提供一種輕鬆 增加、回送或備援 的發布方法。魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 體積小,而且耗電低,除了,可透過 4:2:2 10 bite 串流提供四路極高畫質,還可以同時為每個輸入生成 4:2:0 低碼率代理串流。


功能強大的魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 製作 H.264 編碼,能以低延遲提供卓越的品質,同時將您的視訊來源安全地傳輸到集中式製作設備。這款 強大、堅固、低耗電的遠端製作編碼器,能透過承載所有的製作訊息,有效降低製作成本。經由網路或 OTT 到雲端的應用程式,還可以選擇 4:2:0 8-bit 或 4:2:2 10-bit 編碼格式,製播高品質的作品。


經由網路能將製作場域擴展到任何位置,輕鬆地製作多視角的現場活動。魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 可以對來自 HD 或 3G-SDI 來源的四路攝影機源進行編碼。當 4K 製作需要遠端回傳時,Monarch EDGE 可透過 12G-SDI 或 四路 3G-SDI 接受 4K 信號串流。而且,未來的 ST 2110 可透過 SFP 連接,支援所有解析度。對於需要更多機製作的活動,小巧的體積可將兩個魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 裝入 1RU 標準機架,精簡作業空間。

極高畫質 10-bit H.264 編碼

在現場製作中,信號源必須同步。如果遠端製作編碼對將信號從現場傳輸到製作系統花費的時間太長,則本地和遠端傳輸之間傳送清晰的視訊可能會很困難。高延遲會使現場製作顯得不同步且不專業。魔納盒 Monarch EDGE H.264 編碼引擎能視訊接收和串流輸出之間的延遲特別短,僅為 50ms,是目前市面上最低的延遲的產品。


由 魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 編碼的所有通路將被鎖定到單一時間,且具有時間索引,讓 魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 製作 H.264 編碼器在輸出時能重新對齊串流時間。為了獲得最佳效果,攝影機也需鎖定同步,確保每個影格圖框都被接收。若無現場同步器,魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 也能提供一個同步鎖相輸出的信息標記,其信號可以分配給那些攝影機。


魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 提供 Tally 和 Talkback 通道,讓現場攝影師與副控室人員之間,可進行雙向溝通。設備上的這些功能,可不幅減少現場設備數量。


魔納盒 Monarch EDGE 編碼器與解碼器在設計時考慮了實用與可靠性。正面的 LCD 螢幕能讓使用者快速監控狀態與配置。鎖定電源連接器可防止製作過程中的連接丟失。備援乙太網路(1 GbE)端口允許使用者從網路端口控制設備,而從另一個端口發送視訊。使用者可以從各端口發送相同的串流,同時採用不同的獨立路徑。

Monarch EDGE 多應用網路直播製作流程


Monarch EDGE I/O

Matrox 簡介

台灣碩方科技長期代理 Matrox 視訊相關產品。邁創 Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd 總公司位在加拿大的魁北克省 Quebec 多瓦勒市 Dorval,生產電腦顯示卡與專業影像廣播視訊裝置:Matrox 名稱來自創辦人 Lorne Trottier 與 Branko Branko Matić 部分名字單字。 Matrox 視訊系列產品有著極佳的顯示效能,在專業多重顯示的顯示卡更有獨到之處,因此應用領域相當廣泛,Matrox 豐富的產品應用涵蓋 影片製作、3D動畫、廣播電視、科學、醫療、軍事等各種影像視訊面向。 廣播級 Matrox monarch 直播應用產品,更是一推出就深受市場好評 Matrox monarch edge/HDX/LCS。

Monarch EDGE 系列機型 : S1 / E4 / D4

📹Matrox Monarch EDGE
4K 超高畫質/多路 HD 網路傳輸與遠端製作編碼器/直錄播盒

4K/Multi-HD Webcasting and Remote Production Encoder and Decoder

編碼器 Encoder E4 / 解碼器 Decoder D4

編碼器 Encoder Monarch EDGE 10-bit 編碼器 MDG4/E10/I
Monarch EDGE appliance with 4:2:0 8-bit,4:2:0 10-bit, and 4:2:2 10-bit encoding

Monarch EDGE 8-bit 編碼器 MDG4/E8/I
Monarch EDGE appliance with 4:2:0 8-bitencoding

解碼器 Decoder Monarch EDGE 10-bit 解碼器 MDG4/D/I
Monarch EDGE appliance with 4:2:0 8-bit,4:2:0 10-bit, and 4:2:2 10-bit decoding
Video Input 1x 12G SDI input per ST 2082
3x 3G SDI inputs per ST 425 (Level A mapping only)
UHD support using 4 SDI inputs per SMPTE ST 425-5
• Square division
• 2x sample interleave input*
2x SFP 28 network ports (up to 25 Gbps)*

Capture up to four independent 3 Gbps video streams or one 12 Gbps (4Kp60) stream encapsulated per SMPTE ST 2110-10, -20, and -21. Seamless protection (redundancy) according to SMPTE ST 2022-7
*Enabled with future firmware update
Video Input Resolutions 2160p at 50, 59.94, 60 fps
1080p at 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94, 60 fps
1080i at 25, 29.97, 30 fps
720p at 50, 59.94, 60 fps
Genlock • Bi-level genlock output (encoder)
• Bi-level or tri-level genlock input (decoder)
Digital audio 8x channels of embedded audio support per SDI input. Two channels per input supported with first release
VANC ancillary data processing (SDI and IP)* • Closed captioning (CC) embedded in VANC processing as CEA-608/708
• Vertical interval timecode (RP-188)
• HDR and colorimetry metadata

*Enabled with future firmware update
Audio Input Digital:
16x channels of embedded SDI audio is supported per input, and
8x channels of audio support per encode using SRT or MPEG2 TS.

2x channels of balanced analog audio input via XLR connector*
Line Level

*Available via optional audio cable
Audio Output Digital:
8x channels of embedded audio support per SDI output.

2x channels of balanced analog audio output via XLR connector*
1 channel of unbalanced stereo audio output via 1/8” TRS connector
*Available via optional audio cable
USB Ports 1x USB 3.0 (front)
2x USB 2.0 (back)
Confidence Preview 1x DisplayPort 1.1
Maximum resolution: 1920x1080
Multi-Unit Support Yes
Color Space and Chroma Sub-Sampling 4:2:0 (8-bit and 10-bit)
4:2:2 (8-bit and 10-bit)
Frame Synchronization Yes
Video Scaling High Quality multi-tap 10 bit Up/Down Scaler and De-Interlacer
Video Compositing Yes, fixed formats including Picture-in-Picture (PiP), Picture-by-Picture (PbP), quadrant
Video Deinterlacing Yes
Audio Encoding Format AAC-LC
Audio Sampling Frequency 48 kHz when digitized from analog source
Audio Bitrates Range from 32 kbps to 256 kbps
Video Encoding Formats H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10 (AVC)
Encoding Profiles Up to High 4:2:2 profile (Hi422P)
Encoder Bitrates Range Video: Up to 120 Mbps
Encoding Rate Control Encoding frame rates offered independent of input frame rates
GOP size and structure
Variable and constant bit rate support
Encoding Level Up to 5.2
Encoding Capability 4:2:0
1x 3840x2160p @60fps
4x 1920x1080 @60fps
16x 1920x1080 @30fps
Plus proxy stream
1x 1080p proxy stream (8-bit)
4x 720p30 proxy stream

1x 3840x2160p @60 fps
4x 1920x1080 @60 fps

There are a number of additional encoding profiles that can be generated per input.
Encoding Latency Latency as low as 50ms (network transfers and decode operation not included in value)
Decoding Capability 1x 3840x2160 60p
4x 1920x1080 60p
Decoding Latency Latency as low as 50ms (network transfers and encode operation not included in value)
Decoding Protocols SRT / RTSP / MPEG-2 TS over UDP
File Format fMP4 / MP4 / MOV
Filename Customizable prefix (optional)
Timestamp Automatic in filename
Programmability Duration
File frequency
Maximum file length
Start date and time
Recording Locations Local USB ports for USB flash drive and external hard drive Shared network drive or NAS
Network Standard 2x RJ45, 100/1000BASE-T Ethernet
2x MSA-compatible SFP28 cage supporting 10 GbE and 25 GbE modules*
*Enabled with future firmware update
IP Addressing IPv4 / IPv6* / DHCP (default) and static IP *Enabled with future firmware update
Streaming Protocols MPEG-2 TS over UDP (unicast or multicast)
Native RTP* (unicast or multicast)
RTMP (encoder only)
* Enabled with future firmware update
Command and Control HTTPS over TCP
UPnP (discovery)
Product Dimensions 8.53 (L) x 7.45 (W) x 1.68 (H) inches
21.7 (L) x 18.9 (W) x 4.3 (H) cm
Unit Weight 3.65 lbs / 1,660 g
Power Supply Unit Line voltage: 100-240 V a.c.
Frequency: 50-60 Hz
Input: external AC/DC adapter - IEC320-C14
DIN4 locking power connector
Power-supply safety:
cULus (Canada/US)
NOM (Mexico)
CCC (China)
RCM (Au/Nz)
EAC (Russia / Customs Union)
PSE (Japan)
KCC (Korea)
BIS (India)
Additional Features Tally
• 8x tally signals (sent to cameras-encoder)
• 8x tally signals (sent from switcher-decoder)
• Tally ports available via a 15-pin D-SUB connector*
*These features must be supported at the decode end of the production chain with the help of custom integration by the user or vision mixer provider.
Hardware Included Monarch EDGE appliance
Matrox Monarch EDGE power supply
Includes IEC-C14 power cord (US, UK, AUS, EUR)
Accessories (sold separately) Monarch Rack Mount Kit* (MRCH/RACK/KIT)
Monarch EDGE power supply unit** (PWR/SUP/MDG)
Monarch EDGE break out audio cable*** (MDG/AUD/CBL)
* Can fit up to two Monarch EDGE units in a 1RU space
** Does not include IEC-C14 power cord. These cables must be sourced locally.
*** Provides two input channels and two output channels. DB15 to XLR I/O.
Software Monarch EDGE Control Hub—dedicated Windows® application (free download) REST HTTP API*

*Contact Matrox representative for availability)
Operating Conditions Temperature: 0 to 40 degrees Celsius
Humidity: 20% to 80% non-condensing
Storage Conditions Temperature: -40 to 70 degrees Celsius
Altitude: 192 hPa (12,000 m) to 1,020 hPa (-50 m)
Humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing
Power Consumption Line voltage: 12 volts
Total power consumption: 45 watts [avg.]
Supported Operating Systems (software) Windows 10 (64 bit)
EMC/EMI Device Class CE (EU)
ICES-3 (Canada)
KC (Korea)
RCM (Aus/NZ)
Environmental Certifications RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU amended by (EU) 2015/863
EMC/EMI Device Class CE (EU)
ICES-3 (Canada)
KC (Korea)
RCM (Aus/NZ)

編碼器/解碼器 S1

Video Input 1x 3G SDI input per ST 425 (Level A mapping only)
2x SFP 28 network ports (up to 25 Gbps)*
*Enabled with future firmware update
Video Input Resolutions 1080p at 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94, 60 fps
1080i at 25, 29.97, 30 fps
720p at 50, 59.94, 60 fps
Video Output 1x 3G SDI input per ST 425 (Level A mapping only)
2x SFP 28 network ports (up to 25 Gbps)*
*Enabled with future firmware update
Video Output Resolutions 1080p at 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94, 60 fps
1080i at 25, 29.97, 30 fps
720p at 50, 59.94, 60 fps
Genlock •Bi-level or tri-level genlock input
VANC ancillary data processing (SDI and IP)* • Closed captioning (CC) embedded in VANC processing as CEA-608/708
• Vertical interval timecode (ST 12-2)
• HDR and colorimetry metadata

*Enabled with future firmware update
Audio Input Digital:
16x channels of embedded SDI audio is supported per input, and
8x channels of audio support per encode using SRT or MPEG2 TS.

2x channels of balanced analog audio input via XLR connector*
Line Level

*Available via optional audio cable
Audio Output Digital:
8x channels of embedded audio support per SDI output.

2x channels of balanced analog audio output via XLR connector*
1 channel of unbalanced stereo audio output via 1/8” TRS connector
*Available via optional audio cable
USB Ports 1x USB 3.0 (front)
2x USB 2.0 (back)
Confidence Preview 1x DisplayPort 1.1
Maximum resolution: 1920x1080
Multi-Unit Support Yes
Color Space and Chroma Sub-Sampling 4:2:0 (8-bit and 10-bit)
4:2:2 (8-bit and 10-bit)
Frame Synchronization Yes
Video Scaling High Quality multi-tap 10 bit Up/Down Scaler and De-Interlacer
Video Deinterlacing Yes
Audio Encoding Format AAC-LC
Audio Sampling Frequency 48 kHz when digitized from analog source
Audio Bitrates Range from 32 kbps to 256 kbps
Video Encoding Formats H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10 (AVC)
Encoding Profiles Up to High 4:2:2 profile (Hi422P)
Encoder Bitrates Range Video: Up to 120 Mbps
Encoding Rate Control Encoding frame rates offered independent of input frame rates
GOP size and structure
Variable and constant bit rate support
Encoding Level Up to 5.2
Encoding Capability • Monarch EDGE S1 is capable of sending many streams from a single input
• Each stream can be a different resolution, encoding profile, and bitrate
Encoding Latency Latency as low as 50ms (network transfers and decode operation not included in value)
Decoding Capability 1x 1920x1080 60p
Decoding Latency Latency as low as 50ms (network transfers and encode operation not included in value)
Decoding Protocols SRT / RTSP / MPEG-2 TS over UDP
File Format fMP4 / MP4 / MOV
Filename Customizable prefix (optional)
Timestamp Automatic in filename
Programmability Duration
File frequency
Maximum file length
Start date and time
Recording Locations Local USB ports for USB flash drive and external hard drive Shared network drive or NAS
Network Standard 2x RJ45, 100/1000BASE-T Ethernet
2x MSA-compatible SFP28 cage supporting 10 GbE and 25 GbE modules*
*Enabled with future firmware update
IP Addressing IPv4 / IPv6* / DHCP (default) and static IP *Enabled with future firmware update
Streaming Protocols MPEG-2 TS over UDP (unicast or multicast)
Native RTP* (unicast or multicast)
RTMP (encoder only)
* Enabled with future firmware update
Command and Control HTTPS over TCP
UPnP (discovery)
Product Dimensions 8.53 (L) x 7.45 (W) x 1.68 (H) inches
21.7 (L) x 18.9 (W) x 4.3 (H) cm
Unit Weight 3.65 lbs / 1,660 g
Power Supply Unit Line voltage: 100-240 V a.c.
Frequency: 50-60 Hz
Input: external AC/DC adapter - IEC320-C14
DIN4 locking power connector
Power-supply safety:
cULus (Canada/US)
NOM (Mexico)
CCC (China)
RCM (Au/Nz)
EAC (Russia / Customs Union)
PSE (Japan)
KCC (Korea)
BIS (India)
Additional Features Tally/GPIO
• When paired with another MDG2/ED/10, up to 4x tally/GPIO signals can be sent in either direction simultaneously
• Tally/GPIO ports available via a 15 Position Pin D-Sub Standard Connector*
* This feature is offered via a 15 Position Pin D-Sub Standard Connector. With the help of a Pinout diagram, a cable can be assembled to interface to any tally output interface on the vision mixer.
Hardware Included Monarch EDGE appliance
Matrox Monarch EDGE power supply
Includes IEC-C14 power cord (US, UK, AUS, EUR)
Accessories (sold separately) Monarch Rack Mount Kit* (MRCH/RACK/KIT)
Monarch EDGE power supply unit** (PWR/SUP/MDG)
Monarch EDGE break out audio cable*** (MDG/AUD/CBL)
* Can fit up to two Monarch EDGE units in a 1RU space
** Does not include IEC-C14 power cord. These cables must be sourced locally.
*** Provides two input channels and two output channels. DB15 to XLR I/O.
Software Monarch EDGE Control Hub—dedicated Windows® application (free download) REST HTTP API*

*Contact Matrox representative for availability)
Operating Conditions Temperature: 0 to 40 degrees Celsius
Humidity: 20% to 80% non-condensing
Storage Conditions Temperature: -40 to 70 degrees Celsius
Altitude: 192 hPa (12,000 m) to 1,020 hPa (-50 m)
Humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing
Power Consumption Line voltage: 12 volts
Total power consumption: 45 watts [avg.]
Supported Operating Systems (software) Windows 10 (64 bit)
EMC/EMI Device Class Class A
EMC/EMI Compliance CE (EU)
ICES-3 (Canada)
KC (Korea)
RCM (Aus/NZ)


關鍵字 : #monarch edge. #直錄播盒.#魔納盒.#直播.

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