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Versatile Media Asset Management

V-MAM 多功能媒體資產管理系統

V-MAM (Versatile Media Asset Management) 多功能媒體資產管理系統,是數位電視台、新媒體集團的最佳營運資產管理工具。面對無線電視、有線電視、數位電視、DVB、HDTV、Mobile TV、IPTV、Web-TV、MOD 跨平台經營的新時代,數位電視台、新媒體集團需要 V-MAM 多功能媒體資產管理系統。
善用 V-MAM 多功能媒體資產管理系統,電視台的產值將以幾何倍數成長,電視台的維運、創作、管理,將完全掌握在您的桌前,V-MAM 讓您運籌帷幄、掌控全局、點石成金、活化電視台媒體資產!

V-MAM 強大功能

V-MAM 是最先進的多功能媒體資產管理系統,採用 WEB 2.0 觀念,架構於 VOXEL 的雄厚數位影音處理技術之上,其強大功能包括:登錄編目、擷取收錄、轉檔處理、存儲備份、檢索瀏覽、剪輯創作、字幕疊合、排程播出、影帶管理、品質管控、等等。

登錄編目-自由建構 輕鬆歸檔

於影片擷取前,可於 V-MAM 系統中進行基礎登錄動作,並可對擷取的影片素材進行編目,V-MAM 採用「自由編目建構技術」,可根據電視台或操作者個人需求,自訂各種不同主題詞目,例如:動作片、兒童片、等等,且可對每部影片付予多種不同的主題詞目,並可隨時自由地拉動、排列組合,建構出自己喜歡的編目階層邏輯!

擷取收錄-自動便捷 匯集影音

V-MAM 提供排程收錄功能,可自動便捷地定時擷取收錄來自衛星轉播的畫面,也可將大量的錄影帶節目內容,擷取成為高畫質的數位影片檔,並匯入 V-MAM 系統中管理,並且也可將最新的檔案類型影片檔上載至系統中,建立龐大的數位片庫。

轉檔處-理豐富多樣 省時省力

今日的節目傳播管道已不再是單一平台,為滿足無線電視、有線電視、數位電視、、DVB、HDTV、Mobile TV、IPTV、Web-TV、MOD 跨平台經營的新時代,V-MAM 可以自動地將原始高畫質檔案,轉檔產出各種豐富多樣編碼格式以及不同資料量的影片檔案,滿足各種營運傳播管道需求,創造更多商機。

整合儲存-永續擴充 穩如泰山

V-MAM 的 V-Store 子系統提供了無限延展存儲空間的新技術,可以永續擴充存儲空間,其提供高速的 SAN 儲域網路光纖環境,並且支援 NAS 、磁帶、光碟、等等存儲備份載體,運用:在線、近線、離線的自動調配遷移機制,既可達高速存取之需要,又可達到龐大存儲容量之需求。

隨選視訊-跨越時空 隨選隨看

V-MAM 的 V-Vod子系統可以使用熱門的網路流覽器 Edge、Chrome、Firefox,透過網路選擇自己想要看的視訊內容的系統。用戶選定內容後,VOD系統可以用串流媒體的方式進行即時播放。系統的播放模式能依各種行政機關、公司行號、組織機構、產業類別的特殊需求進行規劃設計,不論是影音資訊、權限管理、串流品質、成效監控功能應有盡有,任何時空都能透過網路進行即時收看。

檢索瀏覽-激發創作 左右逢源

開啟電腦中的 IE 瀏覽器,輸入自己的帳號與密碼,登錄到 V-MAM 系統中,即可輸入關鍵字,檢索瀏覽影片資料。 V-MAM 會將影片畫面呈現到操作者的電腦上,讓操作者自由瀏覽影片片段,激發創作思考速率。操作者甚至可以再對影片定義新的重要區域片段,有利於下一次檢索瀏覽使用。

剪輯創作-即時處理 格式兼容

V-MAM 採開放架構,可兼容各個廠家的 NLE 非線性剪輯系統,而其神影 HDX-3000 系統、HDV-3000 系統,則是當今最強悍的非線性剪輯系統,可以即時免運算地剪輯處理多路 HD、HDV、SD、XDCAM、P2、MXF 等等影片檔案,並且輸出這種編碼影片檔案。

字幕疊合-節省時間 提昇產能

V-MAM 提供獨特強大的網路線上直接旁白聽打功能,旁白翻譯者可以輕鬆地經由網路觀看影片,執行旁白字幕翻譯或時碼對位等動作,大大節省旁白字幕的翻譯、核對、對位、等等作業時間。甚至 V-MAM 也可自動將 Logo 商標、旁白字幕,按照 Time Code 時間碼疊合到影片畫面上,自動輸出完成疊加字幕的影片。

排程播出-完全自動 線上管理

V-MAM 提供產生各種節目播出表的排程功能,可以在系統中直接完成各個節目播出系統所需的節目播出表。此節目播出表可以傳遞至各個節目播出機,並讓節目按照排程播出。V-MAM 讓節目的製播過程,從擷取、創作一直到播出,完全自動化。

影帶管理-有效控管 活用資源

為了讓電視台能夠達成對空白影帶、拍攝影帶、工作影帶、播出影帶做更確實的取用管理,V-MAM 也提供影帶資源管理模組,可有效地控管影帶運用情況,讓影帶的領取、使用、保管、都有跡可循,有利於稽核影帶的使用流向。

品質管控-正確安全 萬無一失

V-MAM 與其週邊聯結的設備隨時保持聯繫,並可得知週邊設備的運作狀態,確保所有週邊設備運作正常。並且對於影片資料,亦可做品質管控查核動作,確保片庫的影音檔案正確安全。

V-MAM 典型運用範例

新聞片庫應用 News Library / Archive

V-MAM 可以方便地排程收錄來自衛星的新聞畫面,也可擷取現場影音,或批次擷取 VTR 的新聞影帶內容,也可搭配接收外電來 的新聞檔案,收集來自四面八方的影音資料,並儲存於 V-MAM 的 V-Store 整合儲存管理設備中。這些影音素材資料經過快速剪 輯處理,即可成為播出用的新聞片段內容,並可由新聞片段播出伺服設備直接點播呈現。播出的完整新聞節目內容,也可再被側 錄擷取至 V-MAM 系統的儲存設備中歸檔備查,或再運用於其他平台。


節目片庫應用 Program Archive

大量的高畫質節目影片檔案,歸檔儲存於 V-MAM 的 V-Store 整合儲存管理設備中,V-Store 會自動地產生每部高畫質影片的對 應代理圖檔與低資料流檔案,利於在網路上傳輸、瀏覽觀看。V-MAM 支援階層式儲存方式,可根據每支影片的取用頻率或存取 策略自動分別被放置於:在線、近線、離線等儲存設備中,並根據取用需求自動地搬遷調度影片檔案。而片庫管理人員則可輕鬆 地透過電腦瀏覽器,登錄編修各節目影片的 Metadat a關聯資料,查詢觀看整個節目片庫內容。而節目播出排程人員則可輕鬆地 編排節目播出時間表,並由節目播出設備播出節目內容。V-MAM 也提供控充異地備援機制,加倍提昇資料安全度。


後製片庫應用 Production Media Library

在後期剪輯製作環境中,擷取收錄設備負責擷取上載影片、聲音等素材,而2D/3D圖文動畫創作系統則可將完成的動畫、圖片等 品上載至 V-MAM 中,V-MAM 可以控管這些共用媒體素材檔案,在電腦前即可隨時機動查詢瀏覽所有共用媒體素材,激發思考 並調用之,在非線性剪輯系統中高效率完成影片創作,並將完成作品再上載,利於他人調用創作、發佈使用。而被授權的遠端瀏 覽者,也可經由網際網路登錄至 V-MAM 中,調閱查詢已被發佈公開可查詢的內容,利於各種商務交易使用,創造商機、擴展業 務,加速收益。


Metus MAM - Media Asset Manager and Archiving Solution

Television companies value MAM’s support for industry standard formats, integration with editing and other broadcast systems, editing speed, the flexible deployment and robust management options, and the high availability and redundancy features. This makes it the ideal asset management tool for TV stations and playout head-ends.

Metus MAM

TV Broadcasting

Television companies value MAM’s support for industry standard formats, integration with editing and other broadcast systems, editing speed, the flexible deployment and robust management options, and the high availability and redundancy features. This makes it the ideal asset management tool for TV stations and playout head-ends.

Corporate & Education

Metus MAM’s extreme ease of operation of makes it possible to train non video professionals easily. This, coupled with the security of Metus MAM, make it ideal for Corporate, Educational and Government industries that need to manage their multimedia assets.


Metus MAM can now meet the requirements of the medical industry for safe and effective data management and DICOM file transfer. The latest version of Metus media asset management solution is compliant with DICOM and HL7 standards, international protocols that ensure the secure handling of medical imaging files and standardize the sharing of data between various systems and different organizations.

Security-Surv. & Government

he high availability options of Metus MAM, combined with speed, ease of search, scalability, management and built-in access security features, makes it meet the challenge for mission critical deployments in the Security and Military industries.

Post Production

The video management functions of MAM, coupled with NLE integration and transcoding, make it an excellent choice for post-production facilities.

Media House

The ability to manage huge and constantly growing video archives, coupled with video transcoding, flexible export and delivery options, make Metus MAM the content management and distribution tool of choice for News Agencies and Media Monitoring Facilities.


The advanced video transcoding and packaging functions, combined with flexible metadata management, custom metadata export and high availability functions, make Metus MAM the perfect integration partner for middleware/webTV/IPTV management systems developers, and an ideal choice for telecoms operators as a Content Management System.

Metus MAMMedia Asset Manager and Archiving Solution

Introducing Metus MAM

MAM is a scalable media management system. Its asset management and transcoding tools helps workgroups catalogue, share and protect every asset and project, andoptimizes every file for use.

Metus MAM (Media Asset Manager) helps you do the following:
■ Organize your media assets into an archive
■ Track each file and project
■ Convert your assets in as many formats as you want
■ Help users find the right file fast
■ Secure your archive with appropriate access rights granted to each user
■ Export and deliver your assets in any format
■ Interface between your archive and 3rd partprocessing, editing and playout tools
■ Keep track of actions performed on your archive Metus MAM is ideal for any organization that has a valuable and growing archive of media assets

What are the benefits of Metus MAM?

Metus MAM has over 4000 installed users distributed around 50 countries. These include TV stations, head ends, telecoms, webTV, IPTV operators, corporates, educational institutions, production companies, media archives, government, militaryand security agencies.


Scale from a single server and a local workstation to multiple servers distributed on a WAN, spanning dozens of servers and hundreds of clients. MAM can support multiple storage arrays and multiple servers running components of each type working collaboratively, for load balancing or redundancy. Multiple servers located remotely can communicate and synchronize with each other, over internet or WAN. There’s no architectural limit to the size of the system.

Format Support

Metus MAM is format agnostic, natively supporting open industry standard formats, including:

  • File wrappers: MPG, M2P, AVI, F4V, MXF, GXF, MOV, XDCAM, MP4, TS, WMV, WAV, M4A, P2, Microsoft Smooth Streaming
  • Codecs: MPEG2, DV, DVCPRO, uncompressed, DVCPRO50, DVCPRO100HD, H.264, AVC, AVCIntra, Apple PRORES, IMX, VC-1, PCM, AAC, WMA

Common image formats are supported as well as document format such as Word, Excel and pdf. It also supports popular archive formats like zip, rar etc.


Metus MAM’s built-in video processing engine Metus Process Server (MPS) is faster, and more feature-rich than many dedicated file transcoding products. For large systems it is deployable in a load balancing farm topology. It can be used to: - Auto-generate proxies
- Transcode between file formats - during import, export, or any time in between, or based on a given schedule.
- Attach multiple transcoded versions of the file to the original assets, for instant on demand delivery in any format
- Cut, trim, paste and join video files for basic video editing
- Embed extra audio channels, surround sound
- Package to TS and adaptive bitrate formats for Internet delivery

Files created and transcoded by Metus MAM are frame accurate, so that users can seamlessly switch from proxy to hi-res during playback, or use the proxy files in editing software and switch on the timeline with hi-res versions later, without corrupting the edit.

Storage Agnostic

Metus MAM supports NAS, DAS, SAN using Ethernet, fiber, iSCSI, SAS connectivity. MAM can also manage tape drives and libraries as nearline/offline storage or backup. The Information Lifecycle Manamagement (ILM) feature can automatically move files between tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 storage systems based on access frequency, or other user-defined rules.


Metus MAM is fast. Users can start working with assets as soon as the import starts. Videos can be played, trimmed, cut, even before they finish copying into the storage. Teams can even edit videos that are still being captured by Metus Ingest. Metadata can be input manually or automatically during or after capture. The client user interface is entirely virtual. All objects, including bins, assets and even thumbnails are read from the database so browsing bins that contain hundreds of assets is very fast. Metus MAM even allows users to work on nearline/offline files, as if they were online, by keeping frame accurate proxy versions on HDD based storage.

Ease of Use

Metus MAM is easy to use, with a single, intuitive interface. Importing assets is a matter of dragging and dropping files into the client interface, or copying them to a watch folder. Basic information about clips, like format, popularity and location are available on the thumbnail, and all metadata is available via the user interface in a single click. A storyboard timeline is automatically created to quickly navigate to the right point. Clips can be played directly from the interface, or from a media player, where users can play at their preferred speed, and mark points and regions using keyboard shortcuts. Files with multiple audio channels are handled with ease. Users can even have one language on the left headphone and another on the right. Organizing clips is as easy as dragging to a folder, metadata entry is a matter of clicking and typing. Search is as easy as using Google, or clicking on a folder. And export is as simple as dragging any authorised file.

Metadata and Search

For super-fast retrieval from archive, Metus MAM allows administrators to create unlimited metadata fields, categories and types. Assets can be organized in virtual bins for easy access. Virtual assets from the same file can be created with different metadata. Searches can be performed Google-style as free text search, or users can build custom searches using any kind of existing metadata. Frequently performed searches can be saved as search bins, to be run at will. Users can even optionally perform an image search, to locate an image from all pictures and videos in the archive.

Export and Delivery

Metus MAM enables users to deliver a large number of multimedia assets to multiple locations. Files can be made available to subscribers for web download via Metus Web client, or customized browser-based clients. Files can be automatically transcoded on-the-fly during export to any number of formats. If the exported files need to be imported to a third party system, custom xml based metadata form reports can be created and exported automatically together with the files.


By default, file access is restricted to users running Desktop Client, with separate and individually assignable user permissions for adding, playing, editing, downloading and deleting assets. Permissions can be assigned at the project, bins, or file level, or even on individual metadata fields. Users can be given the right to request a certain permission, which upon granting gives one-time user rights. Parts of assets can be limited to video or audio only, non-destructively hiding sensitive information from specific users.


The archive is organized around Archive Projects, which encompass media files, metadata, and security. Different projects within the same Metus MAM installation, may have different media storage, archive servers, diverse metatada fields and different users. Metus MAM’s User Actions monitors system events: every action is logged, together with where, when and by whom. This log can be easily browsed, sorted, filtered, shared and exported. All delete operations are virtual and can be retrieved from the built-in Recycle Bin by administrators. The assets can be optionally versioned so that changes on them (metadata or video) can be tracked and rolled back.

The Scalable Asset Manager

Built to accommodate every size of organization with changing needs, MAM can grow to support everything from a small local workgroup to a global enterprise. Metus MAM is a client server based system. As a scalable system, users can initially host multiple server side components on a single server. As the catalogue and users’ needs develop, each of the server components get be installed on its own server, or shared among multiple servers.

The components that make up a Metus MAM solution are:

Fully Loaded Desktop Client for Windows PC

The local client gives users and administrators access to the system’s search,file management and processing tools. Customized according to individuals’ security rights, it’s a versatile and powerful tool. The local Windows client allows users to see and interact with files and projects. It is typically used by power users who wish to use all of the functions of Metus MAM, including file transcoding, clip cutting, joining and editing, in addition to basic functions such as importing, browsing and searching. Users with admin rights may also configure and administer the system from the Desktop Client. The Client also includes the Media Asset Viewer, a customized player application used to play the assets at normal, fast, slow, reverse speeds, mark points and regions on the assets with metadata, choose and mix between audio channels, and mark in and out points.

Metus Process Server (MPS), the File Processor

Metus is an expert in file processing and format conversion. MPS gives MAM users sophisticated tools making them more efficient and productive.

MPS is the file professing engine that handles the following actions:
- Transcode between supported file formats
- Create low resolution proxies of assets for network and web based playback
- Trim clips and create new assets
- Join multiple files and clips
- Audio channel mapping, remapping and embedding
- Package to TS and adaptive bitrate VOD formats
- And many more video processing options

Metus Process Server runs on version of Microsoft Windows 2003 and 2008 Server, or Windows 7 Professional (64-bit)
Multiple MPS servers can be installed to scale the video processing power through intelligent load balancing.

Metus Web Server and Online Web Client (MOL) – the Cross-Platform Client

MOL gives local and remote users fast access to the archive, using a variety of devices.
MetusMAM can also be accessed and used by a lightweight, cross-platform web client. This client allows users to:
- Import video files - Enter metadata - Browse the archive - Play the proxy files. Metus Web Server (running on Windows 2003 or 2008) is required to host the web client Server.

Metus Image Matching Server (MIM)

MIM users breakthrough technology to accelerate visual searching. Intelligent algorithms help teams to find the right image or video fast. This optional server component allows users to search the archive for any image based on pictorial characteristics and display results in order of relevance. The image search is based on a custom algorithm that analyses the multimedia files in advance, calculates the visual information and searches the database accordingly. The image matching is then performed at the database level, and therefore thousands of hours of video can be searched in seconds.

Metus NLE Plug-Ins

By linking Metus MAM to your preferred editing software, projects can be accessed quickly and managed securely. The editing workflow is accelerated by using Metus MAM’s search tools from within your NLE.
Metus MAM has plugins for Adobe® Premiere® Pro CC, Grass Valley EDIUS® and Sony Vegas®, as well as a MAC Client and Gateway for Final Cut Pro®. Plugins are opened from within the NLE interface and allow the user to:
- Search and browse the MAM project as if using the Desktop Client - Play clips inside the plugin - Drag proxy versions of files onto the timeline - Conform and render edits with full resolution files.

Metus Archive Server (MAS), the Asset Controller

Organizing files, clips and assets across multiple storage devices is undertaken by MAS. It’s an essential component of Metus MAM. At the heart of Metus MAM, MAS manages the media storage arrays. It sits between the clients, the database, and the other server side components and fulfils multiple functions:

  • - Regulate the media and data traffic - Apply security restrictions and user access rights to protect valuable assets
  • - Handles the archiving process, moving and distributing files to the appropriate storage location and delivers the file path to the client
  • - Manage the media life cycle of assets according to pre-set rules Additionally, it can function as a backup for other servers. Metus Archive Server runs on Microsoft Windows 2003 or 2008 64-bit Server and supports multiple NAS, DAS and SAN storage units. Multiple MAS servers can be installed for load balancing during archiving or for redundancy purposes.



📹V-MAM 多功能媒體資產管理系統


- 1U 機架型伺服器
- Microsoft Windows Sever 2019 作業系統
- CPU處理器:2顆 Intel Xeon 4208
- 記憶體:32GB
- 雙Gigabit網路
- 4個外接硬碟座
- 256 GB SSD 開機碟 / 4TB Raid5影音碟
- 熱抽換雙電源


V-Store 整合儲存架構

V-Store 完善地整合在線(Online)、近線(Nearline)與離線(Offline)多種儲存設備,可依容量與效率需求調配規劃,V-Store 整合的階層式儲存架構使 V-MAM 環境下的使用者宛如共有一安全的巨大儲存空間,減少人工搬遷資料與時間,大幅提昇工作效率。



📹V-MAM 多功能媒體資產管理系統

V-Logger 登錄編目

V-Logger 提供媒體素材自由編目管理,可自動或由使用者自行登錄媒體素材的關聯資料(Metadata),例如:標題、主旨、作者、版權等等,甚至可新增自訂欄目、新增類別以及批次匯入媒體檔案的關聯資料。此種自由編目建構方式,強化了關連資料的實際運用。


V-Archive 備份管理

V-Archive 爲您掌管備份工作,可依照設定條件,將相關聯性的或時間相近的影音資料,手動或自動地備份至近線設備或離線儲存媒體(如藍光DVD),並提供條碼管理功能。


V-Browser 檢索瀏覽

V-Browser 提供使用者在網路上可輕鬆方便的查詢與瀏覽影音媒體素材,可設多重條件搜尋所需影片、概述說明、重要畫面、版權紀錄等都輕而易舉。在 V-Browser 也可設定影片代表縮圖、調整起訖點、設定關鍵片段等功能。


V-List 播出排程

V-List 讓使用者在網路上透過瀏覽器,直接進行節目表排播的工作,可產生多種播出節目時間表,對應多種播出設備使用。


V-Subtitle 旁白處理

V-Subtitle 提供使用者在網路觀看影片時,直接做旁白的聽打或旁白的翻譯,並依據影片時間自動產生相對應旁白內容的時間碼起訖點,可輕鬆作時間碼的微調與挪移,以及進行文字的修正校對與長度檢查等功能。


V-Record 收錄排程

V-Record 提供使用者直接透過網路執行擷取的排程任務,可定時或手動擷取來自Live訊號、衛星訊號、外電、VTR 甚至是網路串流影音等不同來源的影音訊號,還能控制專業錄放影機依照時間碼 (Timecode) 批次進行多段擷取。


V-TapeLib 影帶資源管理

V-TapeLib 是一個強大的影帶資管理系統,可將拍攝帶、拷貝帶、空白帶等納入控管,可管理影帶內容記錄、領出與歸還、保管與使用記錄、版權授權等,並可編列條碼利於管理與檢閱。


V-Transcode 多格式轉碼處理

V-Transcode 具備多格式轉檔編碼能力,可將 HD/SD 等多格式影音來源轉碼為電視、網路、行動設備、MOD…等播放平台所需的格式,並可於轉碼過程中進行數十種效果處理,例如 : 圖文旁白疊加,聲音正規化等等。V-Transcode 能讓多人同時於網路交付轉碼處理任務,提供自動多工平行轉檔。


V-Automation 設備自動化管理

V-Automation 提供周邊硬體的控制與監看,例如:可控制專業影音路由器 (Router)的切換訊號、螢幕切換控制、播出觸發、設備處理進度監管等等,透過 V-Automation 可整合週邊硬體設備,提供網路中央監管優勢。


V-Manager 系統權限功能管理

V-Manager 具備完整的使用者帳號控管,管理者可利用群組與個人的分別設定,達到群組分工與權限控管的目的。使用者只需登入帳號密碼,就依照不同設定的角色權限,只看得見可操作的選項;不但方便使用者執行工作,更提升管理的安全性。


V-QC 影音品質控管

V-QC 有完善的影片品質控管警示,提供靜音偵測、爆音偵測、影片黑格偵測、區塊馬賽克化偵測、畫面凍結偵測等等功能,無須人工依時瀏覽,智能判讀有效篩選。


VOD 隨選視訊系統

VOD 具備完整的隨選視訊系統,使用者可利用網路瀏覽器進行連線觀看,即時取得最新的影視畫面,不分地域空間,同時收看系統內的線上影音。

關鍵字 : #V-MAM. #媒資管理系統.#媒體資產管理.#QC.#VOD.#多格式轉檔.#權限管理.#排程播出.#元數據.

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碩方科技股份有限公司自公元 1999 年成立以來,一直致力於提供專業用數位媒體製播設備、研發廣播等級系統解決方案和實施資訊系統整合建置服務。

碩方科技股份有限公司 版權所有 copyright @ 2025 Voxel Vision Technology Corp. All Rights Reserved. / TEL: 886-2-2559-1919  FAX: 886-2-2559-1519