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AJA Io 4K Plus
專業 4K 輸入/輸出傳輸裝置
Professional Video and Audio I/O over Thunderbolt 3 with 12G-SDI and HDMI 2.0

AJA IO 4K PLUS 專業 4K 輸入/輸出傳輸裝置支援 Thunderbol 3



Thunderbolt 3 技術能運用更大的頻寬,在設備間進行更快速的傳輸。

AJA Io 4K Plus 專業 4K 輸入/輸出傳輸裝置充分利用 Thunderbolt 3 技術的強大優勢 - 在擷取與監控上能享有更大的頻寬、更快速的傳輸, 而且,支援 4K 視訊能輕易使用 12G-SDI /HDMI 2.0 傳輸,提供 4路 SDI 與 1路 HDMI 輸入/輸出,充分滿足專業高畫質視訊製作需求。

AJA Io 4K Plus 最高支援 4K 60P 輸入/輸出,支援 4K/UltraHD/2K 和 HD HDR、LTC 輸入和輸出、12-bit 4:4:4完美取樣、具有 12G-SDI 和 HDMI 2.0 輸入和輸出,提供 4路 SDI 輸入/輸出和 1路 HDMI 輸入+輸出,可透過 Thunderbolt 3.0 連結, 本機內建前置聲音 UV 表監看與耳機監聽。剪輯功能支援 Premire、Final Cut、Edius、Media Composer 等主流應用程式。 直播功能可應用於 Wirecast、LiveStream、vMix、OBS 等常用軟體。功能一應俱全,是專業媒體製作流程中,不可錯過的輔助元件。


AJA Io 4K Plus 功能特色

專業 12G-SDI 、HDMI 2.0連線

具備專業的 12G-SDI 、HDMI 2.0 連線能力

支援 Thunderbolt 3

支援 USB-C Thunderbolt 3 連線功能

img src="product/aja/img/io/2550-tb3_feature_bullets.png" style="width:100%; max-width:359px; height:auto !important;" />

Thunderbolt 3 特色
■ Thunderbolt, USB, DisplayPort, and power on USB-C
■ USB-C connector and cables (small, reversible)
■ 40 Gb/s: Thunderbolt™ 3 – double the speed of Thunderbolt™ 2
■ Bi-directional, dual-protocol (PCI Express and DisplayPort)
■ 4x lanes of PCI Express Gen 3
■ DisplayPort 1.2 – supports two 4K displays (4096 x 2160 30bpp @ 60 Hz)
■ Lowest latency for PCI Express audio
■ USB 3.1 (10 Gb/s) – compatible with existing USB devices and cables
■ DisplayPort 1.2 – compatible with existing DisplayPort displays, devices, and cables
■ Daisy chain up to six devices


可透過 HD 監看 4K/UltraHD


支援 HDR 更直實的顯示系統



AJA 軟體

可應用多種 AJA 延伸製作軟體,提供更豐富的製作工具


POWER TO GO 超強行動力,容易攜帶

專業媒體人員的製作需求正在轉變中。 隨著行動裝置-媒體編輯能力的提升,可攜式I/O 設備需求迅速增加。 AJA IO 系列裝置提供可靠實用的功能與堅固耐用的便攜式尺寸,讓專業媒體工作人員能完全掌握現場製作。


靈活的 I/O ,䆁放製作自由

AJA IO 系列- 體積雖小,但功能一應俱全,內建 SDI、HD-SDI、HDMI、S-video、音訊‥等熱門的連接端子。無論您的製作需要什麼 I/O,AJA I/O 系列都可以協助您建構完美的工作環境。



AJA IO 系列能支援市場主流的媒體編輯軟體,AJA IO 系列提供媒體製作,專業可靠的功能和機動性。其中,AJA IO XT 與 AJA IO Express 專為跨平台而設計,可以應用於任何平台,架構值得信賴的製作環境。


AJA IO 系列具有專業強大的操作界面,並能自動識別串連設備,方便與您的製作設備進行連接操作,快速簡單地進行功能配置。

AJA 生態體系

支援 AJA 全系列 I/O 轉換器,擴大應用範圍





IO 4K Plus

支援 Thunderbolt 3 4K/HD/SD


支援 Thunderbolt 2 4K/HD/SD


支援 Thunderbolt

IO Express

支援 PC/MAC 系統


AJA IO 4K Plus 專業 4K 輸入/輸出傳輸裝置


Video Formats

• (4K) 4096 x 2160P 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 47.95, 48, 50, 59.94, 60
• (4K) 4096 x 2160PsF 23.98, 24, 25
• (UltraHD) 3840 x 2160P 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 47.95, 48, 50, 59.94, 60
• (UltraHD) 3840 x 2160PsF 23.98, 24, 25
• (2K) 2048 x 1080p 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 47.95, 48, 50, 59.94, 60
• (2K) 2048 x 1080PsF 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30
• (HD) 1080p 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 47.95, 48, 50, 59.94, 60
• (HD) 1080PsF 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30
• (HD) 1080i 50, 59.94, 60
• (HD) 720p 50, 59.94, 60
• (SD) 625i 25
• (SD) 525i 29.97


Note: High Frame Rate capabilities are dependent on host system attributes. Not all systems and configurations will support all frame rates.

Video Inputs
• 12G-SDI, SMPTE-2082, 12-bit*, 10-bit and 8-bit
• 6G-SDI, SMPTE-2081, 10-bit and 8-bit
• 3G-SDI, SMPTE-259/292/296/424/425, 12-bit*, 10-bit and 8-bit
- 4K/UltraHD 4:4:4 (4 x BNC)
• 1.5G-SDI, SMPTE 372M, Dual Link HD 4:4:4 (2 x BNC), 12-bit*, 10-bit and 8-bit
• 1.5G-SDI, SMPTE 292M, Single Link 4:2:2 (1 x BNC), 10-bit and 8-bit
• HDMI v2.0
- 30/36 bits/pixel, RGB or YUV, 6 Gbps.
- 4K, UltraHD, 2K, HD and SD with HFR support up to 60p (4:2:2), 10-bit and 8-bit

*Bit depth support is application dependent. Check with your software manufacturer for compatibility.
Note: 12G-SDI, 6G-SDI configured outputs support UltraHD / 4K only
Video Outputs
• 12G-SDI, SMPTE-2082, 12-bit*, 10-bit and 8-bit
• 6G-SDI, SMPTE-2081, 10-bit and 8-bit
• 3G-SDI, SMPTE-259/292/296/424, 12-bit*, 10-bit and 8-bit
- 4K/UltraHD 4:4:4 (4 x BNC)
• 1.5G-SDI, SMPTE 372M, Dual Link HD 4:4:4 (2 x BNC), 12-bit*, 10-bit and 8-bit
• 1.5G-SDI, SMPTE 292M, Single Link 4:2:2 (1 x BNC), 10-bit and 8-bit
• HDMI v2.0
- 30/36 bits/pixel, RGB or YUV, 6 Gbps
- 4K, UltraHD, 2K, HD and SD with HFR support up to 60p (4:2:2), 10-bit and 8-bit
- HDR 10 Support - HDR Infoframe metadata, compatible with HDMI 2.0a/CTA-861.3
- HLG Support - compatible with HDMI 2.0b/CTA-861-G**

*Bit depth support is application dependent. Check with your software manufacturer for compatibility.
**HLG support is application dependent. Check with your software manufacturer for compatibility.
Note: 12G-SDI, 6G-SDI configured outputs support UltraHD / 4K only


Audio Inputs Digital

• 16-Channel, 24 and 16-bit SDI embedded audio, 48 kHz sample rate, synchronous
• 8-Channel, 24 and 16-bit HDMI embedded audio, 48 kHz sample rate, synchronous


Audio Inputs Analog

• 4-Channel, 24 and 16-bit D/A analog audio, 48 kHz sample rate, balanced, using industry standard 8x XLR on DB-25 breakout cable (cable not included)
• +24 dBu full scale digital (0dBFS)
• +/- 0.2 dB 20 to 20 kHz frequency response
• Input is supported across Ch. 1-4
Audio Outputs Digital
• 16-Channel, 24-bit SDI embedded audio, 48 kHz sample rate, synchronous
• 8-Channel, 24-bit HDMI embedded audio, 48 kHz sample rate, synchronous
Audio Outputs Analog
• 4-Channel, 24-bit D/A analog audio, 48 kHz sample rate, balanced, using industry standard 8 x XLR on DB-25 breakout cable (cable not included)
• +24 dBu full scale digital (0dBFS)
• +/- 0.2 dB 20 to 20 kHz frequency response
• Ouput is supported across Ch. 5-8
下游鍵 Downstream Keyer • Supports graphics with alpha channel over video, matte or framebuffer, or framebuffer content over incoming video or matte


Down-Conversion 4K/UltraHD

• Real time, dedicated 4K down-conversion output (1 x BNC)
• 4K to 2K down-conversion
• UltraHD to HD down-conversion
Reference and LTC I/O • 1 x BNC LTC output
• 1 x BNC assignable to Reference video or LTC input
Reference • Analog Color Black (1V) or Composite Sync (2 or 4V) or HD Tri-Level Sync (1V)
• Nonterminating


Electrical Interface

Thunderbolt 3 (2x)
尺寸 Size (w x d x h) 8.74” x 8.11” x 1.65” (222mm x 206mm x 42mm)
重量 Weight 3.4 lbs (1.5 kg)
電源 Power (device only) 10-20V, 30W typical, 33W max, 70W max with USB-C power delivery to external devices
作業環境 Environment • Safe Operating Temperature Range: 0 to 40C (32xF to 104xF)
• Safe Storage Temperature (Power OFF): -40 to 60 degrees C (-40 to 140 degrees F)
• Operating Relative Humidity: 10-90% noncondensing
• Operating Altitude: <3,000 meters (<10,000 feet)


關鍵字 : #AJA.#aja video.#AJA Io 4K Plus.#Io X3.#Thunderbolt.


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